Rare Disease Day 2025:
A Day of Hope, Unity, and Progress

On Rare Disease Day 2025, we unite in recognition of the millions of people around the world affected by rare diseases. At 3billion, we are proud to join voices with healthcare professionals who dedicate their lives to supporting patients and their families.
We try our best to handle each and every sample entrusted to us with utmost care and dedication. Thank you for trusting us. We are grateful to be part of the diagnostic journey for patients and their families facing rare diseases. Stay strong!
3billion CGO
With discovery of new genes causing rare diseases, it helps physicians making right diagnosis and offering precision medicine. Thank you 3billion for being one of the platform to make this happens.
Hospital Pakar Kanak-Kanak UKM
Tan Jen Ern
희귀질환 환자들에게 희망이 되는 당신의 헌신과 노력 진심으로 감사드립니다.
3billion CIO
Every day brings its own set of challenges, but it also brings new opportunities.The road may be long, and at times, it can feel isolating, but you are not alone. To those battling rare diseases: your resilience is nothing short of inspiring. To the families walking beside them: your unwavering love and support make a world of difference. And to my fellow healthcare providers: your dedication, knowledge, and empathy are the beacons of hope that light the way.
Tecnologico de Monterrey
Rocio A. Villafuerte de la Cruz
We will always accompany, support and fight for the hope of healing and well-being of people with rare diseases.
Sardjito Hospital-Universitas Gadjah Mada
Irma Sri Hidayati
We are here to help to normalize your rarity
3billion CEO
El caminó hacia el diagnóstico de enfermedades certero de enfermedades raras es largo y tedioso. Sin embargo su incansable motivación y perseverancia no solo son importantes para ustedes si no que también son una luz de esperanza para todos los demás.
Hospital General de México
Amichia Dioulo Jean Antoine Marie Becelli
To the warriors facing rare diseases: Your strength inspires us all.  Every step, every breath, is a testament to your unwavering spirit.  Know that you are not alone.  Patients, your resilience shines brighter than any challenge.  Families, your love and devotion are a force of nature.  Physicians, your dedication and compassion light the path forward.In the face of the unknown, hope remains.  We celebrate every victory, big or small.  We learn, we adapt, we fight.  The rare disease journey is often a marathon, not a sprint, but together, we move forward.  Never give up, never lose hope.  Your courage is our inspiration.  We stand with you, hand in hand, hearts united, on this journey.  Together, we are stronger.
Dr. Rolando Obiols
누구보다 환자를 위한 사명감으로 함께 해주시는 의료진들의 노고에 감사 드립니다.
3billion CBO
We may face despair,hindrance and failures in our quest to diagnose and treat rare diseases,yet we must not give up in the midst of challenges,for perseverance shall prevail.
Hospital Seberang Jaya
Ting Yoong Tee
Having a rare disease may make your journey unique and challenging, but it also reveals a strength within you that few will ever understand. Your courage shines brighter than any struggle, and your story is a beacon of hope for others. You are never alone in this fight, and every step you take is a testament to your incredible resilience.
Brawijaya University
Irfan Agus Salim
아직은 어둡고 끝 모를 길이지만, 쓰리빌리언이 발 밑을 비추며 함께 가겠습니다.
3billion COO
We used to think we are the only one in the whole universe but only to find that other universes exist. We used to think touching the sky is impossible but only to find ourselves flying in a plane and exploring other worlds in rockets and spaceships. We used to ponder what human consists of, how human cells function and how diseases form until we figure it out and treat it.We used to think rare diseases has no cure until we figure it out that rare diseases might not be so rare; until we figure out what’s wrong and how to cure it.We as physicians and doctors should look at ourselves whether we have done justice to our patients by acknowledging whether we have explored everything before saying we do not know the answer.We as patients should keep believing that absence of treatment now does not mean the same in the future.Keep believing. Keep hoping. Keep trying.
Malaysia Ministry of Health
Lee Soon Yap
믿고 맡겨주시는 한 분 한 분의 검체 신중하게, 최선을 다해 다루고 있습니다. 저희를 믿어주셔서 감사하고, 여러 환자분들, 가족분들의 희귀질환진단 여정에 함께 할 수 있어서 감사합니다. 힘내세요!
3billion Clinical Lab
쓰리빌리언 검사실 일동
"Dù không thể chữa trị nhưng chí ít tôi biết điều gì đang trông đợi tôi"Đó là lời tâm sự của một người cha trong hành trình suốt 7 năm qua đi tìm lời giải cho câu hỏi: "Điều gì đang xảy ra với con tôi". Bé MK sinh ra trong sự trông đợi của bố mẹ và hai bên gia đình. Bé sinh ra hoàn toàn khỏe mạnh, đáng yêu và lanh lợi. Dù bố mẹ chỉ là cán bộ viên chức ở một tỉnh nhỏ ở Việt Nam nhưng cũng cố gắng dành cho bé những điều tốt nhất. Nhưng rồi bé dần yếu, dễ vấp ngã. Bé được đưa đi khắp Việt Nam từ Hà Nội đến Thành phố Hồ Chí Minh, khám với gần 8 bác sĩ làm 5 xét nghiệm di truyền khác nhau. Tất cả tiêu tốn hàng chục triệu Việt Nam đồng, là tất cả tiền dành dụm của cả nhà. Nhưng tất cả chỉ là sự vô định và không chắc chắn, thậm chí là hoang mang, tự trách. Không từ bỏ, gia đình tìm tới sự giúp đỡ của các Tổ chức hỗ trợ Bệnh nhân và được giới thiệu để thực hiện xét nghiệm 3BExome. Và chính xét nghiệm này đã giúp tìm ra được căn bệnh ẩn dấu liên quan gen CTBP1. Mặc dù không có thuốc chữa, nhưng phần nào đó việc tìm ra căn nguyên đã góp phần gỡ bỏ tảng đá đang đè nặng trong lòng người cha người mẹ và giúp tiếp thêm hy vọng cho gia đình trên con đường còn rất dài phía trước. Cảm ơn Tổ chức Bệnh hiếm Việt Nam và 3Billion đã đồng hành cùng gia đình bé MK. Gia đình bé MK hy vọng chia sẻ câu chuyện này giúp tiếp thêm động lực cho các gia đình khác đồng thời góp phần cho các bé khác rút ngắn thời gian chẩn đoán bệnh của họ.
Vietnamese Organization for Rare Diseases
Do Phuoc Huy
To all who dedicate themselves to making even one patient’s life better – your efforts and commitment are invaluable. Thank you so much.
3billion CMO
Life is extremely tough with others judging you, but remember always that you are forever tougher. No one deserves to judge you as they don’t live your life. So, just be the awesome you always!
Hospital Pulau Pinang
Cheah Boon Eu
On Rare Disease Day 2025, I honor your strength and resilience! Genetics is unlocking new answers every day—never lose hope! You are not alone, and the future is brighter than ever!
Moustafa Kamel Medical Laboratories (MK Laboratories)
Dr. Moustafa Kamel
Tu fortaleza frente a lo desconocido es un ejemplo de valentía y esperanza. Aunque el camino sea incierto, recuerda que no estás solo/a; cada paso que das inspira a otros a seguir luchando. La resistencia y el coraje que demuestras hoy son el faro que ilumina el futuro
Hospital Civil Nuevo
Denys Vanessa Rocha Castro
En el marco del día mundial de enfermedades raras, conmemorando y dando atención a las personas que viven con ellas, es importante que todo el personal de salud pensemos más allá de lo frecuente, más allá de una patología y esforzarnos cada día por brindar una atención integral, ese acompañamiento a los pacientes y sus familias, formando parte de su red de apoyo, armando un equipo cada vez mejor consolidado para cuidar de las personas, su salud y su calidad de vida. Aunque muchas veces los diagnósticos pueden ser desafiantes, el trabajo en equipo, entre médicos, familias y la sociedad misma, nos fortalecerá para seguir abriendo camino en busca de un mejor mañana para las personas con enfermedades raras. “Ante lo desconocido, aprendamos.”
Hospital General de Tulancingo
Shadai Chávez López
응원합니다! 힘이 되어드릴 수 있도록 노력하겠습니다! 2025년 행복한 한 해 되시기를~♡
3billion AI-Drug Team
To patients and their families who bravely face the unknown: we are inspired daily by your strength.
AORN Cardarelli
환우분들의 삶에 긍정적인 변화를 드리기 위해 저희들도 열심히 고민하고 정진하고 있습니다. 평범한 일상을 맞이하실 수 있도록 새로운 희망이 되겠습니다. 함께 이겨나가요!!
3billion Clinical Lab
Every milestone is a miracle, there is not better or worse but just different
Universitas YARSI and YARSI hospital
Sultana MH Faradz
사람 살 곳 골골이 있다.
3billion Bioinformatics Team
For all beloved rare disease community, I just want to say "You are magnificent". Though the path maybe steep and uncertain, every steps that you take paves the way for others. Your resilience sparks change, your voice drives awareness, and your journey matters. The world sees you, values you, and stands with you. Keep shining and keep fighting.
Hospital Sultanah Aminah, Johor Bahru
Jun Xiong, Lee
Rare disease aren't a shame, it is something special for us to learn, learn to accept, learn to know what happened inside than encourage ways to making solutions
Ngoerah general hospital Bali
Ni Wayan Suardani
우리 모두의 노력이 모여서 수많은 희귀 질환의 치료제 개발의 거름이 될 수 있기를 소망 합니다!
3billion Medical Genetics Team
El conocer y saber que enfermedad rara tiene un paciente, termina con múltiples dudas a la cual nuestros pacientes y familiares enfrentan dia con dia. La technologia está para apoyarnos en la sospecha y contestar esas dudas. Apoyarte con un médico genetista en laOdisea Diagnóstica es esencial para nuestros pacientes !
Paula Leal Anaya
Cuanto más nos conocemos, más identificamos nuestras diferencias, y en ellas encontramos la fuerza para unirnos. Estas diferencias nos desafían, nos impulsan y se convierten en logros compartidos. Ánimo a todos los compañeros y familias que dedican su esfuerzo a profundizar en el conocimiento y el activismo sobre las enfermedades raras. Sigamos avanzando juntos.
Andres Felipe Cuspoca
At every step along the path of rare disease research, let us remember that our words and actions can transform challenges into opportunities. Let us move forward with the conviction that science, empathy and commitment are the keys that will open doors to a healthier future for all.
Private Medical Practice
Alan Cárdenas Conejo
à tous les patients:
Vivre avec une maladie rare apporte des défis que la plupart des gens ne peuvent pas imaginer, mais chaque jour, vous faites preuve de résilience, de courage et de détermination. Votre parcours compte, et votre voix est entendue.

N'oubliez jamais que vous n’êtes pas seul(e) dans cette épreuve ! D’autres patients, familles, chercheurs et défenseurs se battent à vos côtés pour trouver des réponses. Restez fort(e) et gardez espoir.
3billion Sales Team
Tener una enfermedad rara no significa que sea algo malo, significan que tiene algo diferente o poco frecuente. Y aunque en la mayoría no existe un tratamiento curativo, nunca debemos perder la esperanza.
Hospital general de Pachuca
Miriam Hidalgo Ostoa
Cada vez nos acercamos a validar más tratamientos para enfermedades raras, apoyemos el conocimiento de su causa para llegar a soluciones integrales. Familias, farmacéuticas, médicos genetistas y tratantes: Hagamos equipo en el manejo y seguimiento de las Enfermedades Raras!
CRIT Occidente
Norma Elena de León Ojeda
Thank you to the clinicians dedicated to diagnosing and managing rare disease patients.
3billion Medical Genetics Team
Rare Disease Day 2025: A Message of Strength and HopeRare Disease Day—February 28, 2025—is a time to honor the strength, resilience, and hope within the rare disease community. As a medical genetics doctor, I witness firsthand the unwavering determination of patients, families, and fellow healthcare professionals navigating the complexities of rare conditions.Behind every rare disease diagnosis is a story of courage, perseverance, and the tireless dedication of those who provide care and support. This year, I stand in solidarity with the rare disease community and invite my colleagues to join the "Words of Encouragement" campaign.💡 To my fellow physicians: Your commitment to rare disease care is invaluable. Your expertise, compassion, and relentless pursuit of answers bring hope where uncertainty exists.💡 To patients and families: You are not alone. Your strength inspires us to keep pushing for breakthroughs, better treatments, and a future where no disease is truly rare.Let’s come together to share messages of support and encouragement, reminding each other that hope is never out of reach. #RareDiseaseDay #WordsOfEncouragement #HopeInRare
Medical center Neuro Ped Gene LTD
Hristo Ivanov
조금이라도 짊어진 무게를 덜어드릴 수 있도록 노력하겠습니다. 여러분의 하루하루를 응원합니다.
3billion Software Team
On this Rare Disease Day, let us take a moment to celebrate the exceptional strength and resilience of the rare disease community. To the patients and families who fight the complex conditions, the bravery in the face of the unknown is moving. Every day, the power of hope and determination demonstrated reminds us all that even the smallest steps forward are tremendous victories.To my fellow clinicians, researchers and colleagues, this journey isn't lonely with your commitment and compassion. We treat diseases, support lives, offer hope, and stand beside those who need us most. Your relentless effort makes all the difference, and working with such wonderful people is a privilege.And to those who volunteer, your kindness and big-heartedness strengthen this community. Whether raising awareness, offering emotional support, or lending a helping hand, the actions create waves of warmth and optimism. They remind us that no one walks this path alone, and the efforts strengthen the bonds that unite us all.We are part of a global community that is much stronger when united in strength and solidarity. Let us continue to uplift one another, share our stories, and celebrate our progress. Our unity is our strength.
Sibu Hospital
Prof. Dr Toh Teck Hock
For patients: Try to have an exact diagnosis of your rare disease, it could take time but it could save your life
For doctors: Try your best to recognize a patient with rare disease, it saves not only this patient but could be another members in his, her family
University Medical Center
Le thi tuyet Lan
외로운 싸움이 아니란 것 아시죠? 언제나 늘 함께 하겠습니다. 정말로요!
3billion CX Team
La lucha por la concientización y difusión de las enfermedades raras es una tarea ardua, pero con cada acto hacemos que sean menos invisibles. Mi más grande reconocimiento a los pacientes que nos dejan saber su historia de vida y a los que nos dedicamos a esto, que nuestra menta va más allá de lo común.
Instituto Nacional de Cancerología
Ilse Gabriela Ochoa Mellado
Every patient deserves answers, and every family deserves hope. Let’s continue working together to advance genetic diagnostics and ensure no one faces their journey alone.
Altagene, LLC
My eight years of experience at the Hereditary Research laboratory at Bethlehem University unraveling the genetic mysteries within Palestinian families have been profoundly rewarding.  We've identified the causative mutations for numerous families grappling with rare inherited disorders, finally providing answers to those who desperately needed them.  We've offered hope for better diagnoses for their children, and even helped families have healthy children through preimplantation genetic diagnosis (PGD). In some cases, this has meant an HLA-matched PGD baby to provide a life-saving bone marrow transplant for a sick sibling.  In many other instances, we've identified shared premarital variants between couples, empowering them to make informed decisions and avoid passing on these diseases to future generations.  Our genetic testing has even corrected diagnoses in cases with unclear clinical presentations, improving management and treatment plans.Our society in Palestine has a high rate of consanguineous marriages.  Even knowing the risks and seeing the impact of genetic disorders, many couples still choose to marry within their families, often having multiple pregnancies with affected babies in the hope of eventually having a healthy child.  It's a challenging reality, but our lab's constant work to identify the genetic basis of these disorders is making a difference.  We're raising awareness and, while consanguineous marriages may continue, more and more people are getting tested beforehand.  Sometimes, couples even decide against marriage when they discover shared variants.  Recognizing the financial constraints many families face, which often prevent access to advanced genetic testing like NGS, we've developed a strategy of informed guessing, building our own database of Palestinian mutations specific to each family and region.I'm incredibly hopeful about the progress we've made in helping so many families.  Of course, we haven't been able to pinpoint the causative variant in every family we've tested. This highlights the unique genetic diversity of our population and underscores the need for further research and the potential for exciting new scientific discoveries – new genes and new variants waiting to be uncovered. The Journey continues, and with every breakthrough, we are reminded of the resilience and hope that define our community.
Bethlehem University
Grace Nabil Rabie Jaraiseh
For patients: Try to have an exact diagnosis of your rare disease, it could take time but it could save your life
For doctors: Try your best to recognize a patient with rare disease, it saves not only this patient but could be another members in his, her family
University Medical Center
Le thi tuyet Lan
모든 희귀질환 환자와 가족, 그리고 의료진 여러분 힘내세요~함께하는 마음으로 끝까지 응원하겠습니다 💚
3billion Medical Genetics Team
We stand as one with all the patients and physicians, as your strength, perseverance, and hope inspire us all. We're all in this together, as your journey matters and your voice is heard. Stay strong, keep believing, and never stop hoping!
3billion Sales Team
To all who are fighting, whether it's in the quiet moments of healing or the demanding hours in the hospital, know this: your strength does not go unnoticed.To the patients and families who walk through unimaginable battles, your courage is the backbone of hope. Each day, you remind the world of the resilience of the human spirit. Even in moments of uncertainty, your fight is a testament to your enduring will, and your journey, though difficult, is not walked alone. Every step you take, every breath you hold, is a victory—no matter how small it may seem.To the physicians, nurses, and healthcare workers who stand beside them, you are more than caregivers; you are the embodiment of compassion and unwavering determination. Your commitment to your patients goes far beyond medical expertise. It is your compassion, your listening ear, your presence that brings a sense of peace to the chaos. You are the unsung heroes who make hope tangible in the hardest of times. In the moments when you feel depleted, remember that your dedication is a lifeline.Never forget that there is light even in the darkest times. Every challenge faced together, every victory—no matter how big or small—is a testament to the power of hope, unity, and love. Keep going. Your courage ignites the way for others.
International kazakh-Turkish University Faculty of Medicine
Dinara Azizkhojayeva
To the Rare Disease Community,You are the definition of strength, resilience, and hope. Every challenge you face is met with courage, and every step forward is a testament to your unwavering spirit. As physicians, we stand beside you—not just as caregivers, but as partners in your journey, committed to finding answers and bringing hope.To my fellow healthcare professionals: your dedication to unraveling the unknown and supporting patients through every hurdle is truly inspiring. Every act of compassion, every breakthrough, and every moment of listening makes a difference.Together, we continue the fight—for understanding, for better treatments, and for a future where no disease is too rare to be recognized. You are not alone. Keep pushing forward, because your story matters, and hope is always within reach.With admiration and support,
Dr. Diana Khachatryan
Together, we walk ahead through all the chanllenge! 無畏挑戰 我們手牽手 一起前行!
Taipei Veterans General Hospital
Wen-Chung Yu 余文鍾
Every year, rare diseases that were once unknown are being revealed through numerous studies and the diagnosis of new patients. I feel truly fortunate to be able to contribute, even if just a little, by being a part of this journey with 3billion. I hope that on this day, patients, their families, and the healthcare professionals supporting them can find strength and comfort in each other's encouragement.
3billion Marketing Team
From diagnosis to hope, walking together
3billion Bioinformatics Team
Detrás de cada diagnóstico hay una historia, una familia y una lucha diaria. Para quienes viven con una enfermedad rara, el acceso a la atención médica y el apoyo marcan la diferencia. Hoy más que nunca, escuchemos, aprendamos y acompañemos con empatía.
Medical Lourdes
Perla Robledo
늘 힘써주셔서 감사드립니다. 작은 도움이지만 늘 함께하겠습니다.
3billion CX Team
As a genetic counselor from Bangladesh, I witness families' long diagnostic journeys. Early diagnosis changes lives, ensuring timely care and connecting families to vital support networks.
NeuroGen Healthcare
Tamannyat Binte Eshaque
희귀질환 극복을 위한 여정에 함께하며, 더 나은 내일을 위해 새로운 치료법 개발에 전념하겠습니다. 작은 희망이 모여 큰 변화를 만들어내듯, 여러분이 걸어가는 길이 더욱 밝아지기를 응원합니다!
3billion AI-Drug Team
To patients and families—you are seen, heard, and never alone. Your strength inspires us all. To healthcare professionals—keep pushing for answers. Together, we turn hope into action!
CHP - Zagora
Dr Zourgani Abdelwahab
3billion Bioinformatics Team
희귀질환과 싸우는 모든 분들, 끝까지 힘내세요! 응원합니다!
3billion Software Team
Pectus Excavatum CAN BE CURED.
There are treatment options, you should start now.
The day you look at your chest in the mirror and see the difference will be one of the most rewarding days of your life.
Gracias por tu paciencia y resiliencia ante el camino diagnóstico y terapeútico que se enfrenta, juntos caminamos hacia una medicina personalizada y mejor para el futuro
Mariana Pérez Coria
2025년 봄이 다가오고 있습니다. 날씨처럼 우리네 삶에도 작년보다 더 따뜻한 햇살이 드리우면 좋겠습니다. 올 해 일년도 다같이 화이팅 있게 보내면 합니다. 각자의 자리에서 최선을 다해 주셔서 너무나 감사 드립니다.
3billion Medical Genetics Team
أنتم مصدر إلهام لنا جميعًا. استمروا في المحاربة، فالأمل موجود دائمًا. 💜
Your courage inspires us all. Keep fighting, because hope is always alive
Alexandria University
Nesreen eliwa
희귀질환을 앓고 계시는 환우분들과 최전선에 서계시는 의료진 여러분! 쓰리빌리언이 여러분의 힘이 되어드리겠습니다.
3billion Bioinformatics Team
겨울의 끝엔 늘 봄이라는 계절이 오기 마련입니다. 저는 그런 봄을 참 좋아합니다. 저마다 느끼는 겨울의 혹독함은 서로 다르겠지만,언젠가 올 그 따스한 계절이 환자분들에게 닿을 수 있도록 누구에게도 지지 않는 마음으로 응원하겠습니다.
3billion Clinical Lab
a great advances in the treatment  has been achieved with disease modifying therapy for few of rare disease especially with gene therapy in spinal muscular atrophy but we are not at the end of our way we should increase  scientific research  and clinical knowledge about rare disorders and to  endeavour to improve the existing and to get new treatment approach for other rare disorder as our target for the future
University Hospital Split
Nina Barišić
Hope you feel stronger and better every day.
Hasanuddin University
Ayu Melinda
Sabemos que el camino ha sido largo y agotador, has estado caminando para encontrar la respuesta y sientes que esta aun no llega. Quiero decirte a ti que tomes un respiró, una pausa, descansa y diafruta a tu familia, por que necesitas redoblar fuerzas, para seguir adelante, luchando y venciendo cada obstáculo en el camino, cada nuevo reto.
Quiero decirte que te sientas orgulloso de lo que has logrado y en este camino, estamos para ti, para guiarte y llegar juntos a un diagnóstico, que mejores tu seguimiento y  tratamiento.
No desista, siempre que se pueda toma un respiro y sigue adelante.
Hospital General de Especialidades Dr. Javier Buenfil Osorio
Samantha Solis Vidal
My deepest admiration, respect and affection to all patients and their families who face the difficult journey of a Rare Disease. The courage of those who fought to seek a diagnosis and achieved it is a light of hope for those who have not yet achieved it and inspiration for those of us who are dedicated to their diagnosis, treatment and follow-up.
Genética Torreón
Sandra Flores Casas
모든 희귀유전질환의 극복을 위해 함께 달려가겠습니다!
3billion Medical Genetics Team
Every day, patients with rare diseases face challenges that few can imagine. Behind every diagnosis, there is a story of courage—of families who never give up and doctors who put their hearts into every decision. The fight against rare diseases is not just about finding answers; it’s about providing quality of life, hope, and new opportunities. Every consultation, every treatment, and every small step forward are giant leaps toward a better future for patients with rare diseases. They are the reason we keep going, inspiring us to keep pushing boundaries, advancing science, and believing in the impossible.
Hospital del Niño de Tabasco
Rubicel Diaz Martinez
Cómo profesionales de la genética tenemos múltiples labores, primero hacer lo que más podamos para encontrar el diagnóstico de nuestro paciente, en segundo darlo todo para su seguimiento clínico y multidisciplinario, y en tercero divulgar y concientizar a los médicos generales y población en general sobre las enfermedades raras, porque todos ellos cuentan y merecen ser vistos, escuchados y merecer vivir como todos nosotros.
Hospital infantil de morelia
Diana Karen Pérez Alfaro
최선을 다해 치료와 연구에 헌신하시는 의료진 여러분께 존경하는 마음을 담아 계속해서 응원하겠습니다.
3billion Clinical Lab
ज़िन्दगी न  मिलेगी दोबारा.
तो, आइए हम दुर्लभ बीमारी से पीड़ित रोगियों को अपना जीवन पूरी तरह से जीने में मदद करें।
स्वास्थ्य सेवा प्रदाताओं, नीति निर्माताओं, रोगी अधिवक्ता समूहों और परिवार की सेवाओं के लिए धन्यवाद।
3billion Sales Team
Even on the hardest days, your courage is a force that moves science, medicine, and hearts forward.
3billion Sales Team
En el mes de las enfermedades raras, recordemos que en cada uno de nosotros está una potencial colaboración a lograr una mayor visibilización y difusión de estos pacientes, con el fin de lograr que sean conocidos y tomados en cuenta por el mundo en general.
Hospital general de Pachuca
Norma Angelica Sánchez Beltrán
조금은 다른 일상을 지내고 계실 여러분께 작은 민들레가 될 수 있도록 노력하겠습니다.
3billion Specimen Reception Team
힘든 길이지만, 혼자가 아니에요. 저희가 응원하고 있으니 포기하지 말고 함께 진단으로 나아가요!
3billion Design Team
Every rare disease is a huge challenge for parents and family members. We take steps together with each patient with a rare disease, both we, the healthcare professionals and the family members, grow, develop, and are called the greatest motivation.Each successful step taken to manage the disease is our greatest motivation for supporting you, our greatest desire to fight alongside you, and our hope for the future.You are never alone, despite the many difficulties, together we will definitely continue to move forward towards new discoveries, we will definitely reach new heights of successful treatment.Forward to victories together!
JSC Vian - M. Iashvili Children Central Hospital 🇬🇪
Nino Tarkhnishvili
혼자 걷는 길이 아닙니다. 우리 모두 같이 걸어가며 끝까지 함께 합시다. 작은 희망들이 모여 큰 힘이 되기를 진심으로 바랍니다.
3billion Software Team
Prenatal testing for rare genetic disorders is not a mystery nowadays as we can accurately diagnose fetal genetic disorders by confirming the genetic disorders in the index cases or by diagnosing carrier status in the couple.
Hameed Latif Hospital
Talha Abdul Halim
Despite the difficulty you are going through, we hope that our support will be a big help for you and your family. Please do not lose hope, as miracles can happen at any moment! We will stay with you until the end!
3billion Sales Team
Dear people and families living with rare disease, As Clinical Geneticist, we focus on identifying infrequent conditions or atypical manifestations of more common entities. Be confident that as science moves forward, knowledge increases and the possibility of a certain diagnosis turns into a reality. Hopefully soon a cure as well. Sincerely,
A committed physician and relative of PLWRD.
Médica Sur
José Alfredo Ramírez González
You are stronger than you think and braver than you feel. One step at a time—you’ve got this!
Fetal Medyc
ana cecilia jara ettinger
It’s time to unite our strengths and fight against rare diseases, one step at a time!
Abdiel Alejandro Torres Grimaldo
El camino de un paciente con una enfermedad poco frecuente puede ser incierto, al igual que el de los médicos que los atendemos. A pesar de los avances, aún enfrentamos la falta de respuestas. Pero hay algo seguro: juntos, con intereses y compromiso; seguiremos aprendiendo y avanzando. *Mientras nuestros caminos se crucen, encontraremos formas y respuestas*
Fundación Hospital de la luz
Thania Ordaz Robles
Queridos pacientes,Sé que enfrentar una enfermedad rara puede sentirse como un camino solitario y desafiante, pero quiero que sepan que no están solos. Cada paso que dan, cada día que superan, es una muestra de su fortaleza y valentía. La incertidumbre puede ser abrumadora, pero también es en esos momentos cuando descubrimos una resiliencia inimaginable dentro de nosotros mismos.Recuerden que, aunque la lucha sea difícil, cada pequeño avance es una victoria. Hay recursos, apoyo y profesionales dispuestos a caminar con ustedes en cada etapa. Nunca pierdan la esperanza; hay luz incluso en los momentos más oscuros. La ciencia avanza, y el amor y el apoyo de sus seres queridos siempre estarán a su lado. Sigamos adelante con fe, valentía y la certeza de que la lucha tiene un propósito.Ustedes son fuertes. Nunca dejen de creer en su poder de superación.Con todo mi apoyo,
Alejandra Nava
Ángeles Universidad
Alejandra Nava Tapia
모두의 건강을 진심으로 바랍니다!! 힘내세요!!
3billion AI-Drug Team
Es importante recordar que nuestros pacientes han pasado por muchas manos, muchos doctores y muchos diagnósticos, a veces, sin ver una luz al final del túnel, para el diagnóstico de sus síntomas. Por ello es importante nuestra labor y hacer todo lo posible para encaminar el diagnóstico de enfermedades con baja prevalencia, que, aunque a veces no tienen tratamiento, para la familia es reconfortante recibir un nombre (diagnóstico) para aquello que los aqueja
Katia Ruiz López
감히 다 안다 표현할 수는 없겠지만, 여러분과 가족들이 좀 더 나은 하루가 될 수 있도록 노력하겠습니다.
3billion CBO
희귀질환을 가지고 있는 모든 환자분들이 건강하게 살아갈 수 있는 세상이 되었으면 좋겠습니다. 아픈 희귀질환 환자들을 위해 각자의 자리에서 고생하고 계시는 의료진 여러분도 항상 최선을 다해주셔서 감사합니다.
3billion Design Team
To all rare disease patients, their families, and the physicians dedicated to this challenging yet vital mission.You are the ones who push the boundaries of what’s possible every single day. Your resilience in the face of uncertainty, your fight for answers, and your unwavering hope inspire the entire medical and scientific community.Know this: you are not alone. Every rare case matters. Every effort by a physician is meaningful. And every step in research brings us closer to a world where no patient is left without answers.We hear you. We stand with you. We believe in you.
Khoja Akhmet Yassawi International Kazakh-Turkish University
Dr Nigara Yerkhojayeva
I cannot say something as meaningless as "happy rare disease day" but I can say: Please, continue generating your loving miracles because it is the best way for humans to understand our own essence!
Centro Clínico de Audición y Lenguaje Cealca
Ramón Hernández-Villoria
To all warriors facing rare diseases: your journey is one of courage, resilience, and unwavering hope. Every challenge you overcome is a victory, every day you fight is an inspiration. You are not alone—science, medicine, and a community of hearts stand with you. Though the road may be uncertain, know that breakthroughs are ahead, and your strength lights the way for others. Keep believing, keep hoping, and keep fighting. The world is listening, and change is coming.
Faculty of medicine and pharmacy of Fez
Abdelhamid Bouramtane
쓰리빌리언이 개발하는 기술이 진단의 길을 밝히고, 더 나은 내일을 만드는 데 기여하길 바랍니다💙
3billion Software Team
Las barreras que presentan las personas con enfermedades raras de países lationamericanos son múltiples, desde económicas, pobre acceso a los servicios de salud e inclusive el idioma que hace más difícil para las familias acceder a la información más reciente. Que la población con enfermedades raras pueda acceder a estudios moleculares más económicos, con reportes en su idioma,  permitirá ir reduciendo estas barreras y abrirá la oportunidad de conocer el comportamiento de las enfermedades raras en poblaciones minoritarias. Febrero 2025, Reconociendo los retos de las personas con enfermedades raras.
Universidad Autónoma de Yucatán
Silvina Noemi Contreras-Capetillo
Hoy sabemos la importancia de encontrar una respuesta a cada pregunta de las familias y pacientes con alguna enfermedad rara, también sabemos que existen equipos de trabajo formados por grandes científicos que todos los días están haciendo lo imposible por encontrar estas respuestas, y sé que cada uno de Ustedes son la razón más grande para día a día hacer este trabajo con la pasión y tenacidad que lo realizamos.
Laboratorios MENDEL
Elik Enrrique Alonso Muñoz
여러분은 결코 혼자가 아닙니다. 꽃길이 아닌 흙길을 걷는 이 길이더라도 우리는 언제나 여러분의 곁에 있겠습니다.당신의 희망을 함께 지켜가겠습니다.
3billion Design Team
To all patients and families impacted by rare diseases, I want to say that you are not alone. Your courage and resilience inspire us all. Keep hoping and fighting, because every day counts. Best regards,
Dr ALASRI Anasse
Patients with rare disorders need to be brave, being alone in a world where no one understands what is going on with your life is hard. However, all should be confident that we, rare doctors, are committed to creating a better place for them and supporting their difficult journey.
Clinica de Genetica y Genomica
Raul E. Piña-Aguilar
Desde mi perspectiva como genetista, entiendo lo desafiante que puede ser el camino de quienes viven con una enfermedad rara. En muchos casos, el diagnóstico es tardío, las opciones de tratamiento son limitadas y la incertidumbre se vuelve parte del día a día. Pero quiero recordarles que no están solos.Cada día, la ciencia avanza y nos acercamos más a comprender mejor estas condiciones, a desarrollar nuevas terapias y a mejorar la calidad de vida de los pacientes. La genética nos ha enseñado que cada persona es única, y con esa singularidad viene una gran fortaleza.A las familias, su amor, paciencia y lucha constante son un testimonio de resiliencia. Ustedes son una parte esencial del camino hacia mejores soluciones y tratamientos. Sigamos creando conciencia, impulsando la investigación y promoviendo el acceso a la salud para todas las personas con enfermedades raras.En México y en el mundo, somos una comunidad que trabaja junta por un futuro con más respuestas y esperanza. 💙Con admiración y compromiso, Valeria Montes
A través de los años me he encontrado con todo tipo de opiniones sobre las enfermedades poco frecuentes, entre ellas... Que muchas no tienen cura y no vale la pena realizar los estudios. Pero siempre debemos recordar que una enfermedad que no tiene cura no quiere decir que no se pueda tratar y tener un diagnóstico muchas veces es la puerta para comprender lo que nos sucede y como podemos responder antes ello y su forma de tratarlo y prevenirlo, es un regalo para quien lo padece, información para poder continuar y tener la mejor calidad de vida posible.
Ana Talmantes clinic
Ana Karen Sandoval Talamantes
결코 혼자 걷지 않아도 돼요.더 큰 변화를 이룰 수 있도록, 쓰리빌리언은 희귀질환 환자와 가족들에게 희망과 더 많은 미소를 전하기 위해 최선을 다하겠습니다.🙂
3billion AI-Drug Team
You are not alone, and together, we can continue to make a difference, bringing hope, understanding, and better care for those who need it most. Keep believing, keep advocating, and never lose hope—breakthroughs are on the horizon!
I.Horbachevsky Ternopil National Medical University
Oksana Boyarchuk
Día de las Enfermedades Raras 2025El 28 de febrero de 2025 es un día para reconocer la fortaleza, la resiliencia y la esperanza de quienes viven con enfermedades raras.Sabemos que el camino no siempre es fácil, pero queremos recordarte que no estás solo. Cada día, médicos, investigadores y comunidades de pacientes trabajan juntos para avanzar en el conocimiento, el diagnóstico y el tratamiento de estas condiciones.Tu historia importa. Tu voz es poderosa. Tu lucha inspira.En este día especial, queremos enviarte un mensaje de aliento y apoyo. Sigue adelante con valentía, porque cada paso que das es un testimonio de tu fortaleza y un faro de esperanza para otros.Estamos contigo. Hoy y siempre.
Universidad CES
Jaime Andrés Ibarra-burgos
여정을 마칠 때까지 항상 저희가 함께 하겠습니다.
3billion Medical Genetics Team
A mis valientes pacientes y sus familias:Cada día, en mi labor como médico genetista, tengo el privilegio de conocer a niños extraordinarios y a familias llenas de amor y fortaleza. Sé que el camino de una enfermedad rara puede estar lleno de incertidumbre, dudas y momentos difíciles. Sin embargo, quiero recordarles algo fundamental: no están solos.Cada diagnóstico es un paso hacia el entendimiento, una oportunidad para brindar la mejor atención posible y un punto de partida para luchar juntos. La genética nos ayuda a encontrar respuestas, pero lo más importante es que cada niño es mucho más que un síndrome o una mutación. Son historias llenas de sonrisas, sueños y un potencial infinito.Las enfermedades raras pueden ser complejas, pero la esperanza es más fuerte. La ciencia avanza, los tratamientos mejoran y, sobre todo, la red de apoyo crece. Como su médico, mi compromiso es caminar a su lado, buscar soluciones y seguir aprendiendo para ofrecerles lo mejor.A cada madre, padre y cuidador que día a día enfrenta desafíos con valentía: su amor es la medicina más poderosa. Y a cada niño que ilumina el mundo con su esencia única: nunca dejen de soñar, porque ustedes son la verdadera inspiración.Con admiración y compromiso,
Dr. Aldo
CRIT Hidalgo
Aldo Zaragoza Fernández
To those who never stop fighting—patients, families, and the dedicated physicians standing by their side:In the face of challenge, your strength, resilience, and unwavering spirit shine brighter than any adversity. Each day, you inspire us all to continue pushing forward, to embrace hope even when the path feels uncertain. To the patients, your courage is a reminder that every moment is worth fighting for. To the families, your love is the anchor that holds everything together. And to the physicians, your compassion and commitment heal more than just the body—they uplift the soul.Though the journey is not always easy, know that you are never alone. Your collective strength creates a ripple of hope that can transcend any obstacle. Keep fighting, keep believing, and know that you are an irreplaceable light in this world. Your resilience is a testament to the power of human spirit and care. Together, we are stronger than anything.
Himmit Soukaina
You are rare, and that makes you extraordinary. Keep shining your unique light!Hope may seem small, but it is the strongest thing in the world—never let it goYou are not alone. There’s a whole world cheering for you!You are stronger than you think, braver than you feel, and more loved than you know
Trabajando con madres de niños que nacen con una condición especial, he comprendido el gran reto que cada día enfrentan las familias de aquellos niños que no son como los demás niños. Proveerles apoyo emocional es indispensable pues las madres suelen preocuparse mucho y entristecerse, y eso podrá afectar la salud de su hijo. Corresponde a los especialistas acoger la vulnerabilidad de esas familias y acompañarles con nuestra capacidad de escucha, nuestras palabras más sencillas y nuestra confianza en un futuro mejor para su bebé. Nuestra solidaridad fortalece a las familias, nuestra presencia y disposición será siempre una siembra de esperanza y valor para ellos. En este día especial, renovemos la voluntad de acompañar y acoger a esas familias y ser la luz que necesitan en la oscuridad de sus temores y dudas.
Misión Caritas Felices
Daniel Mena
To those facing the challenge of a rare disease:You are courageous individuals battling a challenge that many may not fully comprehend, demonstrating extraordinary strength and resilience.  Each step you take, however small, is a testament to your bravery.  While your journey may be unique, please know that you are not alone. Your voice is powerful, and your journey, though difficult, can inspire positive change and offer hope to others facing similar struggles.  Hold onto your hope, your dreams, and remember that even the smallest victories are worth celebrating.Your story is one of unwavering strength and determination.  Continue to persevere, even when the path ahead seems uncertain. You are far more than your diagnosis; you are a powerful force with a lasting impact.
Rana Haddadin
To every patient and family facing a rare disease: your strength, perseverance, and unwavering hope continue to inspire us every day. Each moment of determination you show reminds us that progress is possible, and that no challenge is insurmountable when we face it together. As physicians, we stand beside you—committed to finding new answers, offering compassionate care, and walking with you on the path to better health.
Kids Heart Clinic
Imad Yasin
Cuando escuches el sonido de galope, no solo pienses en caballos, pueden ser zebras.Lo que no se sospecha, no se diagnostica
Hospital Santa Ines
Agustin Rodas
Rare diseases are not so rare and very soon many of them will have effectivect treatment. We encourage those that could be afectend to Take the appropiate genétic test to Know.
Instituto de investigaciones metabolicaa
Armando Luis Negri
The diagnostic odyssey of a rare disease is a complex challenge for many families. Then, when the etiological cause of the disease is discovered, countless other challenges begin for the patient, their family and the community. We must all learn from this process, from different circumstances, in order to support and empower patients.
Hospital Regional de Antofagasta
Francisco Cammarata
Al realizar el exoma a un paciente, se tiene la oportunidad de contar con un diagnostico y tratamiento, lo que es esperanzador
Hospital la serena
Annix ferrer
From Dianalund city in Denmark, a Chilean physician studying on rare genetic epilepsies send his warm regards to patients and families
Hospital Puerto Montt
Sebastian Silva Soto
Fuerza en encontrar el diagnóstico y los caminos para ayudar a quienes son portadores de Enfermedades RaTener una enfermedad rara sin diagnóstico es como estar en un ring de box sin saber quién es mi enemigo. Hay que quitarse la venda, el conocimiento es poder, poder dar mejores tratamientos y mejores intervenciones.ras, a sus padres, fuerza en la búsqueda de muchas respuestas que aún no están al alcance, pero que en la medida que trabajen junto con los equipos de Salud, podamos ir descubriendo
Hospital Infantil Teletón de Oncologia
María del Carmen Esmer Sanchez
To doctors caring for the medical zebras—thank you! In our daily practice, we are grateful for the opportunity to fulfill this beautiful aphorism handed down to us from centuries past: “To cure sometimes, to relieve often, to comfort always.” Thank you for seeing the patients as individual persons beyond their medical diagnosis and for extending the services to their families. Thank you for choosing to care for rare. Please know that all your efforts are much appreciated and admired!
Philippine General Hospital
Gay Lorainne Cordova
매 년 알려지지 않았던 희귀질환이 여러 연구를 통해, 새로운 환자들의 진단을 통해 밝혀져 나가고 있습니다. 쓰리빌리언에 함께함으로써 이러한 여정에 조금이나마 도움이 될 수 있어서 참 다행이라고 생각합니다. 환자들과 그들의 가족, 이들과 함께하는 의료진도 이 날 만큼은 서로를 응원함으로 힘을 얻고 위로 받을 수 있으면 좋겠습니다.
3billion Marketing Team
Hola amigos soy el Dr. Aquiles me dedico investigar, estudiar y tratar enfermedades que son excepcionales como ustedes no están solos.
Hyc Doctors
Javier Aquiles Hidalgo Acosta
As a medical doctor working in field related to genetic diseases, Rare Disease Day holds profound significance. It’s a day to recognize the strength and resilience of individuals facing uncommon genetic conditions, often navigating complex medical journeys with courage and determination. Each patient and their family embody a story of perseverance and hope, inspiring advancements in research and compassionate care.
Today, let's celebrate the rare disease community's unwavering spirit and acknowledge their unique challenges. Your resilience fuels our dedication to uncovering treatments and cures, ensuring no one faces these conditions alone. Together, we strive for greater awareness, accessibility to innovative therapies, and support networks that uplift every patient.
To all patients, caregivers, and researchers committed to advancing understanding and treatments for rare genetic diseases, your efforts are invaluable. Your stories motivate us to push boundaries in medicine and genetics, seeking brighter outcomes and improved quality of life. On this day, and every day, let's stand united in solidarity and hope, spreading awareness and advocating for a future where rare diseases are understood and conquered
Zulvikar Syambani Ulhaq
Cada último día de febrero, millones de personas alrededor del mundo alzan la voz por quienes viven con una enfermedad rara. Son historias de lucha, resiliencia y amor que merecen ser escuchadas. Para muchos, el camino es incierto: diagnósticos tardíos, tratamientos limitados y una sociedad que, a menudo, no comprende su realidad. Pero detrás de cada caso hay una historia de valentía inquebrantable.  Las enfermedades raras no solo afectan a quienes las padecen, sino también a sus familias y seres queridos. Son un recordatorio de que la medicina aún tiene mucho por descubrir, pero también de que la unión y la investigación pueden cambiar vidas. Cada avance científico, cada nuevo tratamiento y cada profesional comprometido representa una esperanza renovada.  Hoy, más que nunca, necesitamos sensibilizar, investigar y apoyar. Porque nadie debería sentirse sola o solo en su batalla. Porque el futuro puede ser diferente si actuamos juntos.  A quienes viven con una enfermedad rara: su historia importa, su lucha inspira y su esperanza nos mueve. No están solos. Sigamos avanzando hacia un mundo donde la rareza no sea sinónimo de olvido, sino de fortaleza y esperanza.
Servicios Médicos Especializados
Sandra Olvera Molina
희귀질환을 가진 모든 분들의 용기와 희망을 응원합니다. 당신의 오늘이 더 나은 내일로 이어지길 바랍니다!
3billion Software Team
3billion Marketing Team
Cada día, pacientes con enfermedades raras enfrentan desafíos que pocos pueden imaginar. Detrás de cada diagnóstico hay una historia de valentía, de familias que nunca se rinden y de médicos que ponen el corazón en cada decisión.
Esta lucha no es solo por encontrar respuestas, sino por brindar calidad de vida, esperanza y nuevas oportunidades. Cada consulta, cada tratamiento y cada pequeño avance son pasos gigantes hacia un futuro mejor.
Hospital del Niño de Tabasco
Your strength, resilience, and courage inspire the world every day. Though the journey may be challenging, know that your voice matters, your story matters, and you are not alone. Together, we are building awareness, advancing research, and creating hope for a brighter future. Keep believing, keep fighting—we stand with you
Institut Pasteur du Maroc
To Fellow Physicians:Rare diseases are real diseases.
We can find “rare” in a hopeful place.
Faster you know it, you can help them.
Chulalongkorn University
Prasit Phowthongkum
Nuestro respeto y admiración por las personas que, padeciendo una enfermedad poco común y deshabilitante, le hacen frente a la vida con coraje y esperanza.  Quienes trabajamos por comprender mejor estas enfermedades y buscar tratamientos y medidas de prevención nos sentimos animados por esa actitud de tenacidad y fortaleza.  Nos inspiran también los padres y madres de los pacientes, son realmente valientes y los verdaderos héroes.  Seguiremos haciendo investigación y diagnóstico genético, para darles el mejor acompañamiento posible.
Our respect and admiration go to those who, suffering from a rare and disabling illness, face life with courage and hope. Those of us working to understand these diseases better and search for treatments and preventive measures are encouraged by this attitude of tenacity and strength. We are also inspired by the parents of the patients, they are truly brave and the real heroes. We will continue conducting research and genetic diagnosis to provide the best possible support.
University of Costa Rica / Servisalud Clinic
Dr. Alejandro Leal
3billion Bioinformatics Team
Together, we are a strong and committed team—doctors, families, patients, and researchers—united in raising our voices for all those affected by rare diseases. Your voice matters, and together, we can make a difference!
Asociación para Evitar la Ceguera en México
Vianney Cortés González